CDSPP Awards
Each year, the Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs (CDSPP) accepts nominations for two awards: (1) the CDSPP Distinguished Contributions to the Training of School Psychologists Award and (2) the CDSPP Meritorious Contributions to the Training of School Psychologists Award. These awards are presented to current or former school psychology training directors who have made exceptional contributions to doctoral-level school psychology training. Award recipients are acknowledged at the CDSPP Awards Ceremony, which takes place at the annual Midwinter Meeting. Consistent with CDSPP’s mission, nominees must demonstrate their exceptional training contributions through service, teaching, leadership and/or the scholarship of training, teaching and learning. As an example, nominees may have systematically engaged in accreditation efforts, organizational leadership in school psychology, public policy advocacy, advocacy for the profession, mentorship of students and early career professionals, curricular innovations, and/or scholarly pursuits related to pedagogy and training.
These awards require careful consideration to ensure that they recognize people who have made significant and lasting impacts on school psychology. The following list, although not exhaustive, provides some example criteria that may be used to evaluate potential recipients:
Advocacy and Policy Influence: The nominee has demonstrated advocacy for the field of school psychology, including involvement in policy development and changes that have positively impacted training programs.
Innovation in Curriculum Development: The nominee has introduced innovative and effective training methods, curriculum, or educational materials that have enhanced the quality of training for school psychologists.
Professional Leadership: The nominee has held significant leadership roles within national and international professional organizations, conferences, or committees that have ensured that school psychology is represented in the field of psychology.
Research Contributions: The nominee has contributed significantly to the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Social Justice and Equity: The nominee has a demonstrable track record of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion that has significantly influenced school psychology training.
Distinguished Contributions to the Training of School Psychologists Award
Eligibility Criteria:
The nominee must be a current or former school psychology training director*
The nominee must be in their mid-to late-career (i.e., in the profession for 10 years or longer or a minimum of two years post-tenure or at the rank of Associate or Full Professor)
The nominee must have made contributions to the field that are substantial (i.e., widely recognized and/or disseminated, exceptional (i.e., acknowledged by peers as a shaping force in training), and sustained (i.e., a pattern of contributions across years in the profession)
*Priority is given to nominees from CDSPP Membership or Member Institutions. Current leaders on the CDSPP Executive Committee are not eligible for this award.

Meritorious Contributions to the Training of School Psychologists Award
Eligibility Criteria:
The nominee must be a current or former school psychology training director*
The nominee must be in their early- to mid-career (i.e., in the profession for less than 10 years at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor)
The nominee must have made contributions to the field that are substantial (i.e., widely recognized and/or disseminated, exceptional (i.e., acknowledged by peers as a shaping force in training), and sustained (i.e., a pattern of contributions across years in the profession)
*Priority is given to nominees from CDSPP Membership or Member Institutions. Current leaders on the CDSPP Executive Committee are not eligible for this award.

Nomination Instructions
Materials submitted for each nominee must include:
1. A cover letter that specifics the award (Distinguished or Meritorious) for which the person is being nominated and clearly describes the nominee’s eligibility for the award (i.e., contributions to training)
2. A maximum of three letters of support that provide specific information regarding the nominee’s training contributions. Letter writers must include identifying information about themselves (e.g., credentials, place of employment) and delineate the relationship of the letter writer to the nominee (e.g., former doctoral student, co-author)
3. A copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae
Nomination Process:
Self-nominations or nominations by others are welcome.
Once all materials have been collected, please combine them into one PDF file.
Submit the file to Julie Herbstrith by December 18, 2023, with the subject line: CDSPP Contributions to the Training of School Psychologists Awards 2024.

Past Recipients
Outstanding Contributions to the Profession of School Psychology Award
2024 - Christine Malecki
2023 - Frank Worrell
2022 - Enedina García Vázquez
2021 - Antoinette Miranda
2020 - Cynthia Riccio
2019 - Judith Kaufman
2018 - Daniel Olympia
2017 - James Ysseldyke
2016 - Mark Swerdlik
2015 - LeAdelle Phelps
2012 - Bill Strein
2011 - Sylvia Rosenfield
2010 - Elaine Clark
2009 - Sandy Christensen
2008 - Joseph Rosenfeld
2007 - Jonathan Sandoval
2005 - Jane Conoley
2003 - Walt Pryzwansky
2002 - Tom Fagan
2001 - Tom Oakland
2000 - Gil Trachtman
1999 - Joe French & Rosa Hagin
1998 - Nadine Lambert & Beeman Phillips